Warhammer 40K RP - Chaos Reigns

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Warhammer 40K RP - Chaos Reigns

Postby Geno XIII » Mon Dec 13, 2021 11:20 pm

In the Grimdark Future of the 41st Millennium, one war on one particular planet ended in a glorious victory for the dark forces under the spiny arrowed halo of Chaos. A particular sect of the of the undivided and possibly an alliance of worshipers of the Dark Gods has decided that sacrificing ALL the cornered and captured enemies wasn't good enough this time. Various members now occupying the planet and overrunning it with their lustful, cunning, furious and/or garish corruption and demon hordes have decided on a more... humane approach. With the help of an assortment of glowing liquid in syringes... tentacle machines, torture devices, hypnotic music and food and drink and chems... Perhaps this time would be appropriate to extend a hand to worthy prisoners to the brighter sides of the warp.

This is gonna be a more abstract story than usual. Also because I REALLY wanna breathe life into the forum some more and so the Discord RP server isn't so cluttered.

Either way, the premise of this RP is you're a character from the Warhammer 40K universe. I would say mostly OCs but if you wanted to play some other character or like a fan character from some other work, I can allow it as long as you give me a good enough excuse... Anyway, basically we need characters both on the Prisoner side and the Chaos side (Undivided, or any god or any faction of it) so there's at least one on each side. I myself wanted to start of as a Prisoner Inquisitor that holds a deep secret...

As for changes involved in the RP, it depends on each players tastes, but be sure that breast expansion, ass, hourglass, possible giantess, multiboob, possible weird TF (IN the boundaries of each player), possible futa, possible tentacles; again all within the boundaries of the players... Though it'll go without saying that even if canon Slaanesh and Nergal would be into... gross stuff... I wanna veto that completely away from this setting personally XD

I was thinking xenos could be allowed, possibly as captured scouts or just wanted to invade the planet for their own means and got caught up in an Imperial v Chaos skirmish. I really don't want to be a rules lawyer about what species can and can't be corrupted by chaos. If anything, that could be the point of the Chaos faction to corrupt new candidates that were thought un-corruptable.

One example of what inspired the RP can be seen below in this youtube clip

I'll set up my own profile later, but for now, barebones, I need something brief with the following:

[Faction/Species] (combining in case it's redundant)
[Brief backstory, like things that would be a need-to-know basis for the story or for characters that would know each other. Doesn't have to be a life story.]
[changes/kinks you would really want to play out] - doesn't have to be extensive, just if you're a captor, what would be some things for the experimenters - and possibly other corrupted players to do to you/change your character...
[above but things you're neutral/OK with that you can think of]
[absolute no-no's] like... futa or no futa as an obvious example

Not looking for a set number of players other than the minimum one for each side - so ATM need at least one for the Chaos side. Was also thinking that the Chaos side can experience changes too, due to shenanigans or backstabbing.
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Re: Warhammer 40K RP - Chaos Reigns

Postby Geno XIII » Thu Dec 16, 2021 12:35 am

Ainsleigh Dracul

Human Inquisitor of Ordo Hereticus

[Appearence] A finely dressed male inquisitor with pale skin, androgynous build with short black hair and green eyes. In battle, he wears a set of light caped inquisitor armor actually pretty similar to this, but a few changes:
A much more prominent crimson upper and lower cape and breastplate adorned with a cravat with an imperial red wax seal curtaining a crest of Ordo Hereticus. Instead of a staff, he has TWO powerblades and two inferno pistols holstered at all times. Also no back colalr and instead has a black inquisitor's had... decorated with a red feather and the brim in more of a tricorner shape.

[Brief backstory] {some secret backstory stuff I'll reveal in DMs for the same of narrative}
Proud son of Dimitri Dracul, the mayor of the hive city Carpas of the Imperial Planet Tracaedia had a daughter. He was initiated into the Ordo Hereticus from a very young age and with a great contribution from said family and their bountiful planet resources that fuel the Imperium. He had cut down and incinerated to ash many a mutant, demon and heretic though his career. Some say he was a prodigy for sniffing out secret heretical cabals wherever he was assigned. His policy with great care is to "know the ways of the heretical in order to know one's faith". Though some in the Inquisition would call him "too soft", by their standards, due to a few instances of seeking non-violent ends to conflicts where a more swift brutal purge would be more efficient.

[changes/kinks you would really want to play out] mind breaking, super into being turned into a horrible corruption described as a "titty monster" from anything to multiple arms, tits, reptilian taur body, giantess, tentacles, general sexy abomination stuff

[above but things you're neutral/OK with that you can think of] can't think of anything

[absolute no-no's] shrinking, inanimate tf, guro
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